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Lubbock, TX

Make your home in Lubbock, where you’re never far from scenic nature trails, tasty Tex-Mex eateries and buzzing sports venues

The 11th biggest city in Texas has a friendly small-town vibe that will make you feel right at home from the moment you move into your new student housing. Lubbock’s famously low cost of living gets you more bang for your buck, so you can make your budget go further and really enjoy your student experience.

Lubbock is first and foremost a college town, and the local saying that “there’s a Texas Tech student for every tumbleweed you see” gives you a flavor of how focused the city is on students. You’ll soon notice how the whole city gets behind the Red Raiders - the Texas Tech baseball team - for a buzzing atmosphere on game day.

By day, you’ll love wandering the nature trails in Lubbock’s historical parks, like the Lake Lubbock Landmark, or paying a visit to Lubbock’s world-famous prairie dog colony. By night, throw yourself into Texan life by donning your cowboy gear for a night dancing to country music at Wild West. Or hit the Depot entertainment district, where you can while away the evening at a favorite student watering hole, aptly named The Library.

When hunger strikes, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without Tex-Mex, the mouthwatering Texan hybrid of Mexican and American food best sampled at local favorite Rosa’s Cafe. After a game, swing by Lubbock’s only brew pub, the Triple J Chophouse and Brew Company, for their famous Red Raider Brew and decide if you agree with local opinion on the “darn good food”.