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University of North Carolina Wilmington

Spend your free time taking relaxing strolls on the beach, picnics in the park and exploring Wilmington’s historic streets

Welcoming southern hospitality will make you feel right at home in the so-called Port City, and as a University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW) student, you’ll play a big part in the community vibe. College life looms large in Wilmington, not least because of the Seahawks: you’ll soon be shouting “Go Hawks!” with the rest of the Wilmington population as you cheer on the student athletics teams representing sports ranging from basketball to swimming and diving. 

Wilmington’s pleasant climate means you can enjoy the great outdoors all year round, so make friends with your fellow UNCW students over a sunset stroll down one of Wilmington’s famous beaches, like Kure Beach or Wrightsville Beach. For weekend picnics, head to one of Wilmington’s expansive parks, like the beautiful Airlie Gardens or Greenfield Park.

You’ll be moving into a city with one of the biggest historic districts anywhere in the US, and you’ll be surrounded by so many old buildings that it will feel like stepping back in time. Get to know your new city when you join your friends for a Fourth Friday Gallery Walk, held every month, where local galleries stay open all evening.

When you’re not busy studying in the UNCW library, you’ll find that there always seems to be a fun festival going on in Wilmington. From the springtime North Carolina Azalea Festival to the free Downtown Sundown concert series every Friday night through the summer, you’ll have loads of opportunities to hang out with your new mates.