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  • Garanzia dell'alloggio ideale

    Scegli il miglior alloggio per studenti per godere di un'esperienza di vita in totale sicurezza e confort.

  • Garanzia del miglior prezzo

    Trova un prezzo più basso e ci adegueremo a quello

  • Servizio H24 di un team di esperti per la prenotazione

    Riceverai consigli e assistenza 24 ore su 24 da esperti poliglotti

Savannah College of Art and Design

Be enthralled by Spanish moss-coated trees and diverse activities in the enchanting Savannah

Balmy, warm evenings, music festivals and kayaking, Savannah will win you over with its authentic atmosphere. This romantic Georgian town offers students spectacular scenery and a wealth of activity and life. See large colonial buildings, museums or test your nerves on a haunted tour around ‘America’s most haunted city.’ Dine on fresh, coastal dishes that have a Southern flair at Pacci Italian Kitchen + Bar and The Florence. After lectures, visit Juliette Gordon Low House, where the Girl Scouts of America began or wander along the captivating Savannah River.