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University of Mississippi

Discover a historic college town with a vibrant cultural scene, excellent eateries and easy access to tranquil green spaces

There’s lots to love about Oxford, Mississippi, so prepare to fall for the charms of this friendly college town. It’s got a huge personality and a thriving creative scene – many cafés host live music and poetry events, and Southside Gallery exhibits work by local artists.

Walk to The Square to discover the social epicenter of the Ole Miss student experience. It’s lined with buzzing cafés and bars, like Ajax Diner, which serves incredible Po’Boy Sandwiches and fried okra, or Bottletree Bakery, which sells melt-in-the-mouth muffins and irresistible humble pie. This is also where you’ll find all the best shops including Neilson’s, which is the oldest department store in the South, and and boutiques like Cicada and Frock Fashion. 

Dress up in red and blue to show your support for the Rebels football team at Vaught-Hemmingway Stadium. If you’re not a sports fan, head to Lamar Park to relax beside the lake, or clear your head with a stroll on the walking trails. History buffs will be keen to visit the Confederate Cemetery, where Civil War soldiers were buried. L.Q.C Lamar House Museum is also worth a look, to learn more about the history of Southern cotton plantations, slavery and the political life of 19th century congressman Lucius Lamar. 

After dark, meet friends to enjoy authentic Southern Barbecue at Handy Andy, and try the pulled pork and the famous iced tea. Later, take the party to The Square for drinks at Burgundy Room and live music at Rooster’s Blues House.