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North Carolina A&T State University

Enjoy student life in friendly Greensboro, where you’ll be as close to campus as you are to green spaces and sports venues

Whether you’re heading to the University of North Carolina-Greensboro or you’re about to enrol at North Carolina A&T State University, or one of Greensboro’s many other colleges, you’ll love the sheer variety of life in friendly Greensboro.

There’s no better time to start exploring your new city than the first Friday of every month, when you can take a walking tour round the streets of downtown Greensboro as they come alive with the sound of local musicians, and museums, galleries and shops throw open their doors all evening.

If you’re a sports fanatic, you’re in luck; Greensboro’s self-proclaimed nickname is ‘Tournament Town’ thanks to all the championships it hosts, including the ACC Basketball Tournament. You’ll love the experience of game day at venues like the Greensboro Coliseum and NewBridge Bank Park, which are the setting for thrilling battles that the whole city turns out to support.

After a long week on campus, unwind by dancing the night away at Boston’s House of Jazz & Blues. Whether you grab a delicious Creole meal from one of Greensboro’s legendary food trucks or sit down to tasty tacos at Crafted, you’ll be spoilt for choice when hunger strikes.