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Chase Courtyard
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Welcome to Chase Courtyard
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sur Student.com
Flats at Chase
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sur Student.com
Preserve on Goodpasture
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sur Student.com
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Discover a beautiful, scenic city with a friendly community atmosphere, boundless creative energy and gorgeous green spaces

Settle into student life in Eugene and you’ll be seduced by the city’s laid-back atmosphere and beautiful scenery. As you stroll to your university buildings or hike through Alton Baker Park, you’ll understand how it came to be known as ‘The Emerald City’. Eugene is green in every sense: it’s one of the most environmentally-friendly cities in the US, with an energy-efficient, hybrid bus transport. Despite it’s small-town feel, Eugene has everyone you’d expect from a modern city. Head downtown to tap into the vibrant arts scene. The Hult Center is home to seven different creative companies, including the Eugene Ballet Company and Eugene Opera. When you need a sugar fix, pay a visit to Voodoo Doughnut, the cult doughnut store that’s famous for its weird and wonderful creations.