• Baño
  • Política de cancelación
  • Valoración de las opiniones
  • Gastos incluidos
  • Instalaciones y seguridad
6 propiedades
  • Te garantizamos el alojamiento perfecto

    Elige el mejor alojamiento de estudiantes para disfrutar de una estancia segura y acogedora.

  • Mejor precio garantizado

    Encuentra un precio más bajo y lo igualamos

  • Servicio 24h de nuestro equipo de expertos

    Nuestro equipo de expertos multilingüe te asesorará las 24h

Universidad del Sur de Forida

The University of South Florida is set over a beautiful campus on the state’s west coast, offering sunshine, the arts and average temperatures of 72 degrees Fahrenheit

Choose from over 80 undergraduate degrees and a range of graduate, specialist, and doctoral-level degree programs at the warm and welcoming University of South Florida. The campus operates like its own tiny town, hosting sporting events, concerts, food venues and areas to mingle with a student population of over 42,000 students from the US and around the globe. Founded in 1956, USF is the fourth-largest public institution in the state and prides itself on its innovation, collaboration and creativity. Students usually opt for accommodation near to the university in sunny Tampa.