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Southern University and A&M College - Baton Rouge

Eat like royalty and enjoy world-class cultural venues and the scenic Mississippi river, in a vibrant city steeped in history

Named over 300 years ago after a red-painted ceremonial pole – or “red stick” – marking the divide between two Native American tribes, Baton Rouge is still a city with a fusion of cultures, and where history is very much kept alive alongside the new.

Visit the beautiful castle-like structure of the Old Louisiana State Capitol before admiring the tower of the new Capitol building, the tallest in the USA, which boasts incredible views over the city. Wander the gardens of the beautiful Magnolia Mound Plantation, a French Creole house built in 1791, or explore the historic Old Governor’s Mansion. 

Pick up kimchi and tofu at Vinh Phat Market, then feast on authentic Vietnamese food next door at Dang’s Restaurant. On the first Sunday of each month, visit the fascinating Louisiana Art and Science Museum to take advantage of free admission, before joining the cheering crowds at the Louisiana State University Tiger Stadium.

Famous for its cuisine, eateries in Baton Rouge serve up everything from local gumbo to tacos and burgers. Dunk beignets into your latte at Coffee Call, then feast on seafood queso at Mestizo Louisiana-Mexican. Dig into fried chicken at Zeeland Street Market or savour upmarket Creole cuisine at Juban’s. Walk it all off in the rolling hills of Highland Road Park, or shop for vintage clothes at the quirky boutiques on Government Street. Spend a balmy Louisiana evening catching a contemporary production at Theatre Baton Rouge or watching the sun set over the Mississippi River.