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Universidad de Georgia

Student housing in Athens

The University of Georgia (UGA) is a big part of the friendly Athens community. You’ll see Uga, UGA’s bulldog mascot, all over the place. At weekends, college football is a huge deal, and it won’t be long before you’re joining Bulldog supporters at the Sanford Stadium and the Stegeman Coliseum. You’ll be living in a city renowned the world over for its music scene. Spend your evenings catching local and national bands performing live at the historic 40 Watt Club or seeing up-and-coming indie bands at Caledonia Lounge. Browse the Georgia Museum of Art at weekends. Spend your evenings sipping craft beer at one of Athens’ microbreweries, like the Copper Creek Brewing Company. When you need to escape the library, lose yourself in the Oconee Forest Park, picnic with friends in Athens Memorial Park or ramble through the miles of trails in the State Botanical Garden.