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The University of Tampa

Student apartments in Tampa

Experience the best of Tampa, from its untamed wildlife parks to its wealthy shopping districts. Head to colourful SoHo to explore the open-air cafes and independent clothing stores of Hyde Park Village; or score the bargain of a lifetime at local consignment shop Couture Designer Resale Boutique. Wherever you end up, you’ll find restaurants aplenty, serving cuisines from all over the world. Try gastropub Datz for gourmet burgers, or Thai Gourmet Market for a taste of South East Asia.

Tampa is home to an array of colourful cultures, no more so than in the historic hispanic district of Ybor City. Order an authentic Cuban sandwich from a sidewalk cafe, shop for colourful crafts at the neighbourhood street markets, or simply soak up the Spanish architecture of beautiful 7th Avenue. The city’s cultural diversity can also be found in its bevy of art galleries, theaters and museums. Discover regular new exhibitions at the Tampa Museum of Art, or experience the magic of Broadway at the Straz Center for the Performing Arts.

If the great outdoors is more your scene, get out and explore the abundant natural treasures of the wider Tampa Bay area. Get your friends together for a weekend camping trip to the white-gold sands and clear Gulf waters of Honeymoon Island State Park; or to the gator-filled swamps of the Lower Hillsborough Wilderness Preserve. There are also plenty of options within the city limits - from kayaking on Tampa Bay, to sunbathing on the beach at Cypress Point Park.