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12 Unterkünfte
6008 RiversideDr 3BR
Ganze Wohnung
5017 BerwynAv
Langfristiger AufenthaltKurzfristiger Aufenthalt
5017 BerwynAv
Ganze Wohnung
4813 BerwynHouseRd 3BR
Ganze Wohnung
3324 Gumwood Dr
Langfristiger Aufenthalt
3324 Gumwood Dr 3 bedrooms
Ganze Wohnung
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  • 24-Stunden Service vom erfahrenen Buchungs-Team

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College Park

Set up home in College Park, near the scenic green spaces of suburban Maryland and the bright lights of Washington DC

With the University of Maryland at its heart, it’s no surprise that college sports play an intrinsic part of student life in College Park. Deck yourself out in red, white, black and gold for a Terrapins football game at Maryland Stadium. For culture of a different kind, try visiting the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, home to an impressive roster of arts events including classical recitals, brand new plays and foreign film screenings. There’s plenty to see off campus, too. Central Washington DC is a 25-minute ride away, or if you’d rather get back to nature, College Park is surrounded by acres of unspoiled green spaces such as Anacostia Tributary Trail System.