
How to Book Student Accommodation lists student accommodation from across the world. We actually cover over 400 cities. Booking student accommodation with us is simple, and before long you will have your perfect home away from home!

How do I book with

Booking your accommodation on is super simple! Just follow these six steps and soon you’ll be living in your dream student residence:

We have many filters that make it easier to find the perfect accommodation for your individual needs.

You can also book directly with a member of the bookings team over the phone via the local telephone number listed on the top right-hand corner of the website. If you have some questions before you’re ready to book, we have 24/7 support via our live chat on our website. So if there’s anything on your mind, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

What do our different room types mean?

There are lots of student accommodation options on, but here’s a quick overview of the types of rooms you can get:

You can find out via the property listing on our website what each specific location has to offer, as well as the prices of different rooms.

Student accommodation is a great place to meet new people and make friends.

So there you have it, we told you it was simple! Booking student accommodation doesn’t have to be a hassle. Simply give us a call (local number on our website), chat with us 24/7 on our live chat or hit ‘Book now’ or ‘Enquire’ on the property you love.

Ready to book your student accommodation?

Here are just some of the hundreds of cities where we list some of the best student accommodation around: