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  • Servizi e sicurezza
308 strutture
  • Garanzia dell'alloggio ideale

    Scegli il miglior alloggio per studenti per godere di un'esperienza di vita in totale sicurezza e confort.

  • Garanzia del miglior prezzo

    Trova un prezzo più basso e ci adegueremo a quello

  • Servizio H24 di un team di esperti per la prenotazione

    Riceverai consigli e assistenza 24 ore su 24 da esperti poliglotti

Coventry University London Campus

Coventry University’s business-focused London campus is in the heart of the City of London, one of the world’s major finance centres

Catering mainly to international students, Coventry University London Campus offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in finance, marketing and business management. It’s based in the Square Mile - ideal for internships - and has a unique simulated trading floor to give students a taste of life in a stock exchange. Spitalfields, Bethnal Green and Whitechapel, all of which have a range of student accommodation options, are very close by.