Your booking will be automatically cancelled if the property manager doesn't accept within 72 hours.
You can contact the property manager via live chat to help you track the progress.
Confirmed by the property manager
You need to make the payment in time once the property manager confirms your booking.
If the property is not available, the property manager will give you a new offer trying the best to provide you with a similar property.
Making payment
You need to make a partial payment to confirm your booking.
체크인 날짜
Please wait for check-in in peace of mind after you complete the payment. (No more operations are required.)
House rules
These rules will need to be followed when you move in
애완동물 금지
공과금 정보
모든 공과금 포함
이 가격은 최종 가격으로 다른 요금이 추가되지 않습니다
청소 서비스
시설 및 요금은 최종 계약을 조건으로 합니다.
Cancellation policy -
30 days cancellation period
Booking paid
Cancel the booking within cancellation period
If you cancel the booking within the cancellation period
Any deposits/fees paid will be refunded
Any rental payments paid will be refunded
The transaction fee will not be refunded
The transaction fee is charged by the third payment platform (such as Stripe/Paypal) or the bank. If the booking is cancelled, the transaction fee is nonrefundable
30 calendar days before move in
You can contact the property manager directly for more details.
Any payments made will not be refunded if you cancel outside the cancellation period