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Roman House
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  • Garanzia dell'alloggio ideale

    Scegli il miglior alloggio per studenti per godere di un'esperienza di vita in totale sicurezza e confort.

  • Garanzia del miglior prezzo

    Trova un prezzo più basso e ci adegueremo a quello

  • Servizio H24 di un team di esperti per la prenotazione

    Riceverai consigli e assistenza 24 ore su 24 da esperti poliglotti

Queen Mary University of London (Charterhouse Square Campus)

This QMUL location is historically significant in the development of medicine, and home to a number of esteemed institutions

Charterhouse Square is an influential and historical site in medicine. Housing a monastery from 1371, the square became the largest mass grave during the Black Death. Today QMUL houses several medical schools on the site including the Barts Cancer Institute and the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine. Live in any of our properties in Clerkenwell, Shoreditch or Bloomsbury to be close to class.