18 Prebend St, Stockholm, LE2 0LA
Dieser Preis ist der Endpreis. Es gibt keine weiteren Gebühren oder versteckten Preise
If you are wishing to cancel your tenancy due to the COVID-19 outbreak then the following policy applies in replacement of the standard Cancellation Terms and Conditions;
Cancellation before moving in
To confirm your room you will need to ensure that you have completed your Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) agreement via StuRents and paid your deposit.
Once you have completed the AST you have until (but not including) 1st August 2020 to be able to cancel your tenancy withno penalty. Any requests outside the above period will require you to find a student to replace you, who in turn will need to complete the AST and paid their deposit via StuRents. Once they have passed the 7 day cool off period you will be released from the tenancy.
Due to the COVID-19 travel restrictions to the United Kingdom, if you are unable to travel to your accommodation you will need to provide written evidence from the Government in your homes country (translated into English), to support the restrictions at the time of your cancellation.
You will need to let your accommodation team aware of the cancellation no later than 14 days prior to your tenancy start date, this notification will need to be accompanied with the Government notification as above.
Your accommodation team will then be able to assess the cancellation request and refund your deposit and release you from your tenancy agreement for 2020/21.
If you do not provide the appropriate evidence, or within the timescales above then you will he held to the full terms of your AST and full rental payments.
If you are due to stay with us however are unable to obtain a Visa either due to the restrictions on travel, or the Visa offices are currently closed then we will try to hold your room for you whilst your Visa has being processed. You must ensure that you are informing your accommodation team if your Visa is being delayed.
If your Visa has been refused then you will need to contact your accommodation team within 5 days of the refusal with the evidence of the refusal in order for your cancellation to be processed and deposit refunded.
First Year Students
No Place No Stay – if you are not successful in gaining your place in your chosen University then you will need to contact your accommodation team within 5 days of being made aware in order to cancel your AST and your deposit refunded.
If you do not provide the appropriate evidence, or within the timescales above then you will he held to the full terms of your AST and full rental payments.
Cloud Student Homes does have accommodations across the country, so do speak to the team and we may be able to accommodate you in another property.
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