Blog Society Programme: Turkish Society at University of Warwick

The Turkish Society is part of the Societies programme, which supports student societies and helps students find their student accommodation. 

So tell us about the society…

The Turkish Society at Warwick University is one that is heart-felt and welcoming. Starting last year as an independent society, this year marked their first as an official society. With a community of 30 members, they aim to share their culture with people from various backgrounds.

If you had to describe the society in three words, what would they be and why?




How many students are a part of the society?

Officially 30 members, however in our group chat we have 55 members.

How often and what type of social events does the society host?

We do fortnightly events. It’s usually fun events such as social dinners, Turkish food, tasting, game nights or bowling nights.

What’s the greatest achievement of your society so far?

As a new society and due to the coronavirus situation we could only operate for 1 term. However, I would say that the greatest achievement of the society is to create a turkish community for the Turks, while also attracting international students in the turkish culture.

What’s the biggest challenge facing students right now?

Keeping up with school work, while self-isolating due to Covid-19.

What do you love most about the society? 

It is a heart-felt, warm and very welcoming society that welcomes any kind of student from any kind of background. The society also doesn’t only do social events but also tries to do charitable events. 

What’s in the pipeline for next year? e.g.society developments and plans 

The society plans to attract even more international students. We are also planning on arranging to teach Turkish to those who are interested. 

How do I join?

By going to Warwick’s student union website and choosing ‘Turkish Society’. 

Well after that we’re convinced at that the University of Warwick Turkish Society is absolutely bursting with fun and culture. We hope you think so too. 

To find your perfect student accommodation, with the support of the University of Warwick Turkish Society, head to:

Stay connected with the University of Warwick Turkish Society online Facebook: @Warwick Turkish Society, Instagram page: @warwickturkishsociety and LinkedIn: @Warwick Turkish Society.