
Student accommodation deals

All deals are subject to availability and are subject to change – full details available on the property listing page on (app or website). Deals can include ‘No Place, No Fee‘, ‘No Visa, No Pay’, the exclusive Guarantee, bedding packs, vouchers and free early check-ins.

Don’t forget you can book with with the free help from our expert bookings team. Just download our app or sign-up at to get started. Available 24/7 through our online chat, WeChat, emails and phone lines, we are here for you whenever you need us.

£500 cashback offers

Book today to take advantage of these great cashback offers – that’s right, £500 cashback simply for booking your student accommodation. Here are some properties that currently have a £500 cashback offer:

Holbrook House, London

Free early arrivals

Whether you need to arrive early to quarantine, or want to start your university 2021/22 experience sooner, here are some properties that currently have free early arrival deals:

Newland House, Nottingham

Century Square, Sheffield

Brocco, Sheffield

Alice House, Oxford

Fenton House, Sheffield

The Pinnacles, Sheffield 

Ashenhurst Houses, Huddersfield 

Chambers 51, Wolverhampton

Storthes Hall Park, Huddersfield