
Revise for Results: Top tips for exam revision

Get yourself in a quiet space away from family and friends. While group revision can be helpful, it is often the solo exam revision that allows for deep and complex thought. This can help transform previously difficult concepts into ones which you now understand. Remember practice makes perfect, which leads me onto the next tip…

You don’t have to say it three times – but going through past papers during exam revision can make the difference between an average and top grade. Our recommendation is that you look at past papers at least two weeks before the exam, so you can get a feel of the paper and know how to apply your knowledge. With this, you’ll be a pro in the actual exam!

Make a revision timetable, to get yourself organised. List out all your subjects and sub-topics and process them on a spreadsheet or piece of paper. Also ensure that you fit your revision sessions around any extra-curricular fun you may be up to. This will help your revision load become more manageable and mean that less time is spent thinking (…more like procrastinating) on what to study at any given time.

Cramming may seem like a desirable option, if you feel like you want to spend time with friends or feel like you’re good at a topic already and don’t require much revision. However, the most effective revision method is to revise continually – as and when you learn a new topic. This will allow you to get a deep understanding of the topic which means the examiner will know that you know what you’re talking about!

Make some flash cards or posters that cover key concepts or those concepts you find more challenging. Enjoy the process, using colourful highlighters or even glitter to make it something that’s fun to read through. These will be so helpful when it comes to the day before an important exam, and you need to brush up on your knowledge.

Hopefully these tips will help you put the work in, strive for success and get the top results that you desire. So pick up those textbooks and remember that “the difference between try and triumph is a little umph”, a quote by a great basketball player, Marvin Phillips. As long as you try your best, you should feel proud of the outcome. 

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